Antique Peridot jewelry #7406
I thought I had a lot of antique jewelry set with peridot, the August birthstone, but when it came to writing this
post, I realised that much of it was sold. It seems that I'm not the only one who loves this cheerful, green colored gem.
Peridot is more popular than I realised. No surprise: The colour is very
wearable and shows off every complexion to advantage. The price is relatively affordable, even for antique jewelry.
Peridot, the gemstone form of olivine. It's yellow-green reminds me of sunshine in foliage, perhaps the reason some
call it 'laughing green'. Poorer quality examples are more brown or yellow. Peridot is sometimes confused with green
garnets, especially demantoids, which command a much higher price.
It is suspected by many that Cleopatra's emeralds were really peridot.
The best peridot came from Myanmar/Burma. Perhaps if that bountiful and beautiful country opens up, we will
find more of these beautiful gems on the market. At this point, it is not known whether their resources have been depleted.
Besides being the birthstone for August, peridot is also used to celebrate a 16th wedding anniversary.
Relatively affordable, peridot comes in all cuts and sizes.
The perfect gift - #6891
There are contradicting claims to the origin of the name. Whether Egyptian or French, this stone is attributed to
have numerous remarkable powers and magic qualities: success, peace, good luck, especially fortuitous against night
evils (due to it's daytime magical light qualities?). The powers include the intrigueing ability to ward off evil spirits,
only if it was hung on a donkey’s hair and wore on the left hand. It was also believed that it could be the anecdote to
black magic. Of especial interest to us, is the belief that for it's full powers to be employed, it should be set in gold.
Peridot and diamond ear pendants: #5776
Peridot is the National gem of Egypt. Ancient Egyptians knew it as “the gem of the sun.” Known also to the ancient Greeks
and Romans, and mentioned in the Old Testament. In Europe, peridot brought back by Crusaders was set in many a European
One famous large peridot gem adorning the shrine of the Three Holy Kings in the cathedral at Cologne was for centuries,
believed to be an emerald, and only identified as peridot late in the last century.
Peridot often provides the green gem in suffragette jewelry - wildly rare and collectible and reminding us of the slogan "Give Women the Vote" which is translated in gem terms to green, white and violet.
#6989 Suffragette jewelry with peridot.
While Cleopatra and the Crusaders of Europe may have been mistaken about the true identity of their gems, they knew how to
recognise great beauty and whatever the name of the jewel, if our antique peridot jewelry is beautiful, we should enjoy
it to the full.
Belle Epoque Peridot and diamond ring #5985
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