For hundreds of years, the amethyst was considered the most valuable of gems. The symbol of Royalty, both secular and religious was purple and by extension, the amethyst.
#7079 Early Tiffany & Co amethyst pendant.
Amethysts have a long history from ancient days to modern, with many powers attributed to them: They keep you sober, help you sleep and relieve headaches when rubbed on your forehead. Breathing problems are helped by clusters of amethyst placed in the home to clean the air and strengthen the life force around you. It is said that the purple gem can help you overcome fears and cravings. Place the gem in a sunny window and chase negativity away.
#7476 Romantic Victorian engagement ring.
While all amethysts have a purplish hue, they range from the pale Scottish pebbles to the majestic Siberian gems which are regal and luxurious.
Amethysts have the additional advantage of matching most complexions and showing them off to advantage. Whether you buy an 'affordable' jewel or a deeply impressive one, if it's an amethyst, you are sure to win many a compliment from this appealing and enhancing jewel.
#6965 Retro Amethyst ring.
Although amethyst is both the modern and traditional birthstone for February, the mystical birthstone for this month is bloodstone and both onyx and moonstone have been used in other cultures.
Amethysts have had their ups and downs. We will be writing a lot more about these gorgeous gems over the next few weeks. #6977 Antique Amethyst earrings.
More posts about antique amethyst jewelry and its powers coming soon.
*** see later posts on moonstones.
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